It came from the Cuorgnè street cattery 139 on tiptoe.
For 5 days he lived camouflaged under a radiator, black as he was, so it was invisible despite being a large sized cat.
On the sixth day he decided it was time to get out of the den and visit the café. He liked it so much that he decided to move into the large hall on a permanent basis.
It is possible that, while drinking a tea, you lean on your legs, fall asleep and keep you there even after the closing time. In order not to disturb her sleep, we stock up on provisions for the night, leave the keys and see you the next day.
For reservation or more information about Neko Cafè:
Associazione di Promozione Sociale Neko
Galleria San Lorenzo 6 (near Corso Fogazzaro) - Vicenza - Italy
Phone: +39 0444 040772
Mobile: + 39 375 6023832
It's the home of 6 cats where humans are welcome guests.
The NEKO Association and its friends are waiting for you from Monday to Sunday.
Remember that in order to visit us you must become member.