Gianni Piazza & Friends live in acoustic

Posted on 28 giugno 2020

gianni piazza
Saturday 4th July, Matisse is happy to announce Gianni Piazza's welcome return to the Neko on guitar, for a benefit evening in favor of Neko's cats in the name of excellent music played live in acoustics. In addition to the music, Matisse is happy because he loves instrument cases and is looking forward to taking possession of them.
Admission to the evening is free for all members.
pensione per gatti al neko vicenza

For reservation or more information about Neko Cafè:

Associazione di Promozione Sociale Neko
Galleria San Lorenzo 6 (near Corso Fogazzaro) - Vicenza - Italy
Phone: +39 0444 040772
Mobile: + 39 375 6023832

What is a Neko Café?
It's the home of 6 cats where humans are welcome guests.
The NEKO Association and its friends are waiting for you from Monday to Sunday.

Remember that in order to visit us you must become member.
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