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Marta Telatin presents: It's all the fault of the tiramisu - Cats and colors in the Neko

Posted on 06 dicembre 2019

Evening dedicated to poetry, music and purring!
They interpret the poems Marta Telatin and Davide Gesù, accompanied by the magical atmospheres of the Acoustic Spirit Valter Tessaris guitar.
There are kaleidoscopic tiramisus, created with impossible recipes and enchanted tiramisu that realize miracles and transform tiramisu horizons that give happiness and change: elixirs of long life and tiramisu that can also tune into the heart Open a globe in half, pour in the contents of 4 planets and an asteroid, preferably the B-612. Mix everything with 5 tablespoons of star sugar. As soon as all the grains melt, pour 500 grams of creamy love and beat 5 rainbows to the moonlight. The whole thing will have to be stirred counterclockwise by the purr of your cat. If you don't have a cat ... get it!
Soak a box of fancy biscuits in the coffee reality and dust it off with a little cocoa resilience.
Now yes that will really be all the fault of the tiramisu!
Responsible contribution € 5
pensione per gatti al neko vicenza

For reservation or more information about Neko Cafè:

Associazione di Promozione Sociale Neko
Galleria San Lorenzo 6 (near Corso Fogazzaro) - Vicenza - Italy
Phone: +39 0444 040772
Mobile: + 39 375 6023832
Email: info@nekocafe.it

What is a Neko Café?
It's the home of 6 cats where humans are welcome guests.
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