Meeting with the Turin psychologist Pier Luigi Gallucci: the death of a pet

Posted on 14 aprile 2019

Meeting with the Turin psychologist Pier Luigi Gallucci and presentation of the book: IL DOLORE NEGATO.
Very often the pain of the death of one's own animal seems socially denied and lived in total incomprehension.
When a pet dies to which we were very attached we feel a deep pain, yet often little recognized socially: our feelings and emotions can be diminished or even ridiculed by others, so much that we become ashamed to express them and face them. The absence of a codified ritual to celebrate detachment can, then, increase the discomfort. In fact, studies show that suffering from the death of a beloved animal is not so different from the one that strikes us when a loved one dies, and it is normal and legitimate to feel distressed. Just as it is legitimate, if we consider it necessary, to ask a psychologist for help in mourning.


Il Ponte dell'arcobaleno
pensione per gatti al neko vicenza

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